Monday, May 2, 2022

God of Wonders

Hello all,

As we gear up for second term, I look back at the end of term 1 and the needed rest and change of pace of the last few weeks. I have seen God working in many ways which puts me in awe of Him. He is not limited to our way of thinking and our finite abilities, yet He chooses to use us for His glory.

I feel very blessed and humbled to have been used by Him to guide some of the grade 2 and 3 girls to salvation. One Saturday afternoon after swimming I walked over to the river area where the kids were playing. A grade 2 girl, T, came up to me and said she really needed to talk to me. We found a quiet spot to chat and she told me she wanted to be saved. We had a lengthy conversation talking about how salvation has nothing to do with anything she can do and everything to do with what God has done. During this time a grade 3 girl, C, saw us and said she needed to talk to me privately. T and I prayed together, but I still wasn't sure if she really understood. I talked with C briefly along with M, another grade 2 girl. By that time I needed to be on duty watching the kids so I couldn't put as much attention to our conversation. Thankfully, all three girls came up to me or one of the other teachers the following day and said they had gotten saved! Their classroom teacher wrote down the day so if/when they ask again we can turn them to this moment where they put their trust in Jesus and His work on the cross. "And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of my hand" John 10 28.

God has been taking care of me financially even when I forgot to cancel payments I no longer need to make. Some one has offered to cover one of my big monthly payments while I am in Zambia for which I feel truly blessed. This was an automatic payment out of my bank account. I forgot to cancel the transaction the first two months I was here. So not only was this person paying the bill but so was I. I was feeling quite frustrated with myself for this. Thankfully the money wasn't being wasted as it was still paying off my debt, but this was not how I intended on using the money I had. I received an email from the teacher's union saying there had been negotiations, and they had come to the agreement to pay occasional (supply) teachers more. This was to include back pay up to a certain date. A short while later I received a payment into my bank account that was enough and more to cover the two large payments I had forgotten to cancel! It makes my think of Matthew 6:26-34 but especially 31-33, “Therefore do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you."

God shows His not only in the big ways but in the small choices that we make as well. During the break Heidi and I went to Livingstone where the mighty Victoria Falls is located. The town in named after David Livingstone who did some of his work in the area. The national park there is called Mosi-oa-Tunya which means "smoke that thunders". We surely saw, heard and felt God's glory on display as we visited Victoria Falls. The sights were magnificent, and our senses were filled as we were soaked by the spray coming off the falls which is at its peak at the end of the rainy season. However, I spoke of small things.

On our second day there we decided to stay in town and experience things within walking distance of the hostel we were staying in. I had in my mind which shirt I wanted to wear so I reached into my backpack to pull it out. A different shirt appeared, and with out much thought, I decided to wear that one instead. We went on a walking tour around the town of Livingstone with some others from our hostel taking in the sights of local markets and stores and daily life. Afterward we parted ways and Heidi and I went out for lunch at a restaurant we came across. Typical of many of the restaurants we saw there was an outside eating area fenced off from the public with a roof overhead. As we finished up our meal and had just paid, a young man came up to us and said he wanted to ask a question about my shirt. On the back it said, "And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind..." Romans 12:2. He asked if he could join us, but as we had just paid the bill I didn't want to take up the table so we moved to the outside of the fence. He showed us a book that he had been writing of his analysis of the parables in Luke. I don't remember the exact conversation now, but it rang of truth and a believer's knowledge of the Scriptures. He was such an encouragement to us. it was so lovely to have fellowship with a Christian who was willing to come up to us and share what God had put on His heart. We prayed together as well. We were all so encouraged. The simple choice to wear that shirt led to a wonderful conversation enjoying the truths that God set before us. "Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth" 2 Timothy 2:15.

Please pray with me:
- as we start Term 2
- for the safe arrival for the students this weekend
- as I prepare for classes this week
- that I would rely on the power of the Holy Spirit and not my own
- for students to come with open hearts for the gospel
- for students who have shown apathy towards school so far this year
- for safe arrival of more staff who are coming at the end of May

Your sister in Christ,


Ps. Here is a video I put together of our time in Livingstone.

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