Thursday, May 26, 2016

And so it starts again

Hello all, I am happy to say I have arrived safe and sound at Sakeji school in Zambia. I had a good trip. From Dubai to Lusaka there was a bit of a delay because of an issue with one of the passengers, but once resolved, the flight went smoothly. The first night in Zambia I stayed at the flight house which is a private guest house for missionaries. I was so tired from my trip I easily slept straight for nine hours. I flew to Sakeji on a private flight Since the plane was smaller, the ride was more bumpy. I almost needed an air sick bag, but I was able to make it through. I was greeted by many of the teachers and many greetings that were long over due. I have missed being here immensely! I had a few surprise greeters as well. Joel (my cousin), his wife Kaleigh, and their three little girls are here in Zambia for a little visit. They are currently missionaries in Angola. It was so nice to see them on this side of the world. I didn't think I was going to be able to. They have gone to a little getaway at Kalene, but I will see them again on the weekend before they head back to Angola.. Since I have been here before I know most of the students in grades 5-9. I don't necessarily recognize all of them because it has been nearly four years since the last time I was here. They have done a lot of growing up! I am slowly learning the younger students' names. I believe their are 83 students in total so it is nice to know half of the names already. Please pray that I will be able to adjust back into the routine of things soon. I woke up at 2am this morning and could not get back to sleep until 5:30. Then my alarm went off at 6:30 to get ready for breakfast. Hopefully, I will be tired enough to sleep through the night and get over my jet leg. I will be taking of the grade one classes the headmaster, Mr. R, has been taking. Please pray the adjustment between teachers go well. Also pray that I will be a good teacher and that the students will be attentive and ready to learn. They are a very energetic bunch, and I am excited to be their teacher this term. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers, Yolanda